The Mayor DJ 11: Siriburi Observatory
Siriburi's first university can be seen in the picture above. It was established earlier this year and is still undergoing various processes to be recognized as an international university. The university came together as various schools in the city merged to become one. Together, we are stronger. And working together, these schools were able to achieve a higher standard of education. The Mayor DJ had been a wanting a university in town for a while and the great community of Siriburi came together to make it happen.
Alongside the new expansion of the educational wing of Siriburi, there have been some other expansions as well. For one, the parks are gaining greater momentum. There are more parks than ever and it is the vision of the city to have one uninterrupted stretch of parks from east to west and north to south. The stretch of parks is very apparent throughout a lot of the city already. However, just a few more neighbourhoods need to participate in the park project before we can see a seamless interconnection of parks through the town.
Another project that has most recently been expanded is the Effortless Light Street Project. The citizens of Siriburi have spoken up. They've decided to expand the project further. Previously, it was just the street known as Effortless Light St. which had the Effortless Streetlamps installed by the new Central Soultelligence organization leading the project. Now, the streetlights are everywhere! They're in so many neighbourhoods and especially in the neighbourhoods with bigger parks. Siriburites have agreed that the parks are among our greatest treasures in town. We wanted to acknowledge that by spreading the Effortless streetlamps all around the parks.
As a result, the parks have also taken on a new form. The parks have turned into natural observatories. Of course, people always sought out the darker corners for stargazing in parks. However, now with the expansion of the smartlamps in and around the parks, there are even more of those dark corners. People have fearlessly flocked to these dark corners for stargazing. Siriburites are raging and they will not contain their excitement. The parks have turned into natural observatories and this, in turn, has had people calling the whole town by a new name: Siriburi Observatory.
Hello Everyone! This is the mayor. Thank you all for your reading and thank you for your interest in Siriburi, a town that's on the leading edge of new innovations, new horizons, and new ideas. We didn't just hear about the great changes occurring on the planet now. We welcomed those changes! We would love to see our planet become united under a new paradigm and we want Siriburi to be an example.
The Effortless Light Street Project is just one of the ways our town has welcomed the spirit of change. We want to see a town free from light pollution. And more importantly, we want to see the stars at night. We want to read the way the Great Spirit has left its signature in the sky in the form of constellations. And we want to listen to thousands upon thousands of years of stories. That is the story of the universe, the one verse.
As a DJ, nighttime is for partying. However, we can't be partying every single night. I love those quiet nights too. Sometimes it may be that I'm nestled at home with a book in hand. Other times I'll find myself sprawled out on my back, looking up at the stars at one of our parks. I'm usually not alone in the parks either. Lots of people come every night and lose themselves in a blissful contemplation with the stars. It's almost always quiet. Everybody agrees that it's like the stars speak to us collectively. We want to listen to this universal and divine intelligence.
Siriburi is growing and I'm not talking about physical growth. Sure, the population is steadily rising and the buildings are sprawling outward to cover more and more land. However, it's the heart of Siriburi that's truly growing. People are becoming more and more aware as they live in a conscious-city. It's like the Mind of the Universe lives right here with us, experiencing the town through us in our daily lives. The Great Mind has truly blessed this town with itself, a lot of mind. We're one big family here. We love and support one another. We're always there for one another.
One way this manifests is in our very low police presence. A low police presence is key to keeping crime down. In fact, the police aren't kept very busy at all. There is no crime here because the collective consciousness is high enough to understand that crime doesn't pay. Even visitors feel this when they come to our town. They're uplifted and inspired. They want to learn more about our way of life. Many of the residents of Siriburi were once wanderers, travellers who came by for a few days and wanted to stay longer. Sometimes we feel that the soul of the city itself handpicks new residents.
Siriburi is a place where people practice being consciously aware throughout their day. We train for this in our parks and in our daily lives. All of the spontaneous meditations that take place in the vast network of parks keep us spiritually fit. Everyday, there are new ideas and new games that keep us bubbling with joy. The tried and true games that we all love find a way of recurring again and again as well. We don't forget those ones. People are learning to meditate in a thousand and one ways here. All the different meditations keep us connected to the infinite. The eternal energy lives within us and manifests through us to create this town.
One of the ways this energy has manifested itself is through the Siriburi Observatory Project. It's an initiative to keep the city dark at night to learn more about the stars. Think of the whole town as one big living and breathing observatory. No external equipment is required. We're not eager for technological advancements here. All you need is a quiet mind and a receptive heart. You can lie down on your back with your friends or come alone. Start gazing towards the night sky without looking for anything in particular. Tune into the energy the universe is sending your way. And listen. Just listen.
I don't want to say too much more about this because I want you to have your own experience with the night sky. See what it tells you. Don't take my word for it. What do I know? Listen to your own inner voice. Take your own steps to open up the channels of intuition. I will leave you with the following photos. They are photos of the sky from last night and the night before.
This is a photo taken last night of our moon together with Jupiter. Saturn was also visible last night but it didn't show up on my cameraphone's lens. |
Here is a close-up on the moon with Jupiter. It would be nice to photograph these happenings with a professional camera but this will do for now. |
Here is a screenshot of Sky Map from last night. We can see that Jupiter and Saturn are in Capricorn and they've been aligning nicely with the moon for a few nights. |
Here is a photo from the previous night. Jupiter is off to the left and Saturn is actually visible in this photo. It's very close to the moon, slightly above and to the left. |
Sky Map helped me confirm that those bright objects weren't stars, but planets in our own galaxy. |
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