Pikachu, Quick Attack!
A few days ago I started a new game. Actually it's quite an old game called Pokémon Sapphire. It's a generation III game and as far as I know, the current generation is VIII. It's still fun and it connects me to my childhood. Back when I was a young kid who loved Pokémon, my parents wondered when I would grow out of it. Here I am at age 31, still loving the Pokémon world.
I watch the cartoon in Thai to practice Thai. I've used a Pokémon game in the past to practice German. I keep it relevant. Just recently, I started watching what I think is the most recent Pokémon series called Pokémon Journeys. It started off with Pikachu's story before meeting Ash/Satoshi. I thought that was a remarkable new perspective that would keep old fans like me hooked on the ever-evolving world of Pokémon.
As for the video up above, it's a creative spark from my own imagination. It was some energy that wanted to be expressed. It's just an expression of my love for my childhood game. I didn't want to upload it on YouTube because of the dissonance there would be between it and the content I usually post on YT. I'm content with keeping it quiet on this platform for now. Though on the other hand, creativity in its pure form isn't bound by our previous creations. It can take on different forms as it has a life-energy and intelligence of its own.
I'm currently training Dustox before facing the Dewford Town gym. Dustox has a psychic move and a flying type move with which I intend to defeat the whole gym. |
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