Last Year This Month in Photos
Mélodie and I shot two short dance films at the Hatyai Municipal Park(สวนสาธารณะหาดใหญ่). The dancing was spontaneous and creative in nature. Co-creating choreography.
We are witnessing Loy Gratong(ลอยกระทง) celebrations at the Park.
This is from the top of a tower at a school for monks in my neighbourhood. The production Happiness Prime was taken at the top of this tower as well. Something noteworthy about Mélodie is that she was travelling without money. That's not to say she had absolutely no money. She did have some. But she was testing out travelling on a zero-budget journey. We discuss this in the video.
She had met this monk who led her up the tower. That's when I joined them and we sat midway up the tower. He talked to us about meditation and the new meditation centre being built at the school.
This particular monk has travelled to temples in Nepal and Singapore. He told us about his trips.
Victor was another French couchsurfer. He was travelling by bicycle.
Tibor and I were co-creators as well. We made a track together that was featured in the End of Year Exams album.
Pi Num's birthday last year.
Gonca and Ozan, travellers from Turkey, stayed only a short time with me but their presence brought a lot of joy.
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