There are updates all around. For one, the reopening dates have been delayed once again. Although they've pushed the date forward another 14 days, it doesn't look like the country is going to get the situation under control anytime soon. Experts are speculating that we'll be under lockdown for another few months. Meanwhile, Chiang Mai has been declared a red zone and restrictions following that come into effect as of tomorrow.
Another update from Hatyai is regarding the wooden house under construction. Ever since we came to Chiang Mai, we haven't been able to take photos of the various stages of development around the house. However, Ying has been receiving photos from her younger brother and the contractor. Let's take a look at some of the updates. The first two photos are from June 19.
It's interesting how June 19 is exactly the one month mark from today. Scroll down below to see the updates from today. Look at the image at the top to compare the development of the whole house. |
The bathroom walls were really coming along last month. This month, they've come along even more. See below for the most recent photos. |
It looks as though the house has expanded. The following photos are from July 8.
The roof has expanded to cover a wider area. Wooden seats have been built on the deck on the front side of the house as well. |
This view from the back side of the deck shows the bathroom, looking more complete than ever. Below, you'll see even more recent updates from inside the bathroom. |
Here's a great photo that's fit to be the header. |
A view of the wooden seats on the front side of the deck. This picture was taken from the side of the deck. The deck of the house goes all around the house, covering every side. |
Here, you can see more of the backside of the deck which encircles the house. |
This is the ground floor. |
The following photos show the developments to the bathroom component, which is made of brick and concrete unlike the rest of the house which is wooden. The next two are from July 13 while the last two are from today.
Brick Bound |
Duality - this picture and the one above it show the way the upstairs bathroom has been separated into two areas. |
That bucket is the new toilet, I think. |
Top Shelf |
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