The Mayor DJ 6


Maci Foster was featured in a previous post that you can enjoy here. Maci has come a long from just yelling into fans to express her inner child. That's right. Maci has founded Siriburi's newest non-profit organization called Centra-lSou-ltelligence (Central Soultelligence). The idea is that so-called artificial intelligence doesn't serve the good of humanity if it's just a copy of what we have seen before. Look at how militaries around the world are using AI. If it's so new, then why is it contributing to something so old and useless. Warfare has been around for millennia. AI could be used for good things if integrated with our soul's intelligence. If used to destroy, it's not contributing something new to humankind. 

We look forward to seeing Maci's creative output with her new team. Wishing you the best! And thank you for making Siriburi a greater place to live. 


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