5 Years in Thailand Part 2: Dancing in Hatyai

 Part 2 is ready for your viewing pleasure. In Part 1, I had discussed the integral role of Couchsurfing in my life. Part 2 explores another integral realm in the 5 Years I've spent here. Dancing is the focus of Part 2. Dancing has been an important part of my life ever since I dove into a world of dance in Tübingen, Germany. It evolved into dance activism when I returned back to Canada from Germany. And then it took on new forms here in Thailand. Part 2 explores some of those forms and the experiences and lessons stemming from those new areas of dance in my life. 

Murat is a dance enthusiast and filmmaker based in Istanbul, Turkey. He greatly contributed to this project through his filmmaking know-how and his experienced eye behind the camera. You'll notice the diversity of clips and scenes in this installment when compared to Part 1. That's thanks to Murat. Check out his portfolio here


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