Yesterday, I got into a fit of creation. I started drawing pictures, taking screenshots of Fortune City for The Mayor DJ series, creating a new playlist, and mixing up media. During the creative madness that I was absorbed in, I happened to create something new. Very new. I didn't even know what to do with it. It was the result of surrendering to the force of creative energy. It had to be shared. Not only that, but it needed the creativity of others. It developed completely spontaneously. I started sending it out to people and asked them for their input. I was quite impressed with how quickly some people responded. These very talented people must have oceans of creative energy in their reserves because their responses were not only swift but also creative, original, and unique. Let's take a look!
Ah, a side note for those of you who have never looked at images online before: The best way to do it is in order from top to bottom and one at a time.
The first picture featured here comes from Baba. Baba hit the nail on the head as far as being relevant. This is the most relevant entry. I like how he suggests that making music is not competitive sport. This is true for making art in general. Art would lose its creative spark if it had to compete with other forms of art. The whole idea of being creative and unique is to be unlike others. That's the natural essence of creativity. In its pure form, it doesn't necessarily fit into anything. It's just for fun. And everybody wins.

This entry is the first one to come back. It's from Jeen! Jeen is another creative who loves to nurture her inner artist. Her go-to place is a library, apparently. In her dialogue, the first person asks what kind of place the second person would like to be in if she could ask for one special place from the Divine. The second person says that they'd like to be in a library full of the stories of different individuals. The asker asks why and what they would gain from that place. The second person replies by saying that it's a library full of unlimited books and stories. She says she would gain the knowledge from the stories and experiences from those books in a quiet and peaceful environment, illuminated by warm lighting. I think Jeen is onto something great. Creators need to nourish the mind and soul with stories. What better place than a divine library?

This one is from Jackpot, one of my students whom I haven't seen in a very long time because of the pandemic. However, I was very happy to see this because he took an inside joke from our class and turned it into a caption. This is an example of individual intelligence. The things we experience and that we remember creates a unique centre of intelligence within everyone. Sometimes general knowledge doesn't serve a purpose but personalized knowledge can always come in handy. Jackpot did well to transform some individual intelligence, based on an inside joke, into art.

This one comes from Ying. Ying's experience with these captions is unique because she knew I was sending the pictures out to people to fill in. And perhaps she wasn't able to express herself the way she wanted to 100%. I had told her that I would post the ones that I liked and her response was to tell me that I might not like what she has to write because it's going to be about me. I just told her to write it in a way that I wouldn't mind posting it. So perhaps this initial dialogue with Ying made her filter some of her pure creativity.
At any rate, she came up with a pretty funny caption. The first person asks if there's any reason that EG goes to sleep late and sometimes has a hard time falling asleep. The second person, talking in a cute cartoonish voice, says that she knows the answer. It's because he has a wild imagination and endless thoughts. The first person then asks about this particular day and what EG created new this time. The answer is that EG is thinking of song titles that he thought up by mixing up weird words. And that EG is the only person who understands their meanings. Funny.

This one was submitted by Cal, the head teacher at Inlingua. I had told Cal that it was going to be used to teach students and so it definitely affected his creative output. It's very student-friendly and appropriate. Cal did one thing very well. He directly incorporated the track titles, being the only person to do so. I'd like to add to his stream of thought by saying Got Bug Face sounds buggy, The Cookie Healer sounds delicious, and Resojoy sounds joyful. By the way, all of the captions will indeed be used to teach English.

Here is the entry from Ice, my student whose artwork has appeared on my blog a few times before. Once again, Ice shows off her understanding of English by making jokes with puns and double entendres. Wait..."drawer"? At least it wasn't a team of illustrators because then they'd be "drawers". Haha. What makes Ice's entry so grand is that she didn't just stop there. She went ahead and animated her dialogue. Let's take a look. Again, one at a time starting from the top will do it.
Excellent. And I just noticed that the "drawer" in her sketches has a bug face hat. I'm going to have my marketing team look into that idea.
Everybody did great for participating in this spontaneous creative task! There are no losers. Only winners. Creativity is an expression of what's within. Letting it out can be healing. Give your inner "drawer" a chance and create something...just for fun. If your imagination keeps you up at night, seek refuge in a library with warm lighting. And don't forget to quench your thirst for creativity and drink the "wo-ah" your soul desires. And if all of this sounds sweet or hot to you, that's because it is!
This is the original image I sent around. Feel free to save it and contribute your own captions! |
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