The Principle of Polarity and a Point on Protesting

In a previous message in this post, I briefly talked about why I don't believe in the power of protesting and how there are alternatives. The alternatives I gave were other action-oriented alternatives. They satisfied neither the reader nor the writer. Truly, the best alternative isn't one of 'doing.' It's one of being. If people learned a new way of being on the planet, then no protest would be necessary and the causes of the protests would be long gone as well. I am talking about a being from a heart-centered awareness. Others who meditate will understand what I am talking about and for those who don't meditate, it's hard and ineffective to explain in words. You are better off closing this article now, trying out meditation immediately, and having your own experiment with it. 

By the way, meditation itself is an excellent example of an alternative to protesting. This is not to make changes in the short-term, but rather to make long-lasting changes in the collective direction on the planet. It is true that the protesting has made token changes here and there but it hasn't changed what is truly necessary. In my own experience, it was meditation and a quest for spiritual knowledge(spiritual soul food) that led me to discover a few principles of the universe that deterred me from any kind of protesting.  Also, on my own journey, I have been far away from the BLM protests that are highly active back in the North American and European continents. There have been no such protests here in Thailand. The physical distance also played a role in why I didn't participate or support any protests.

The first time I was instructed not to protest or resist that which is unwanted was when I was learning about the Law of Attraction, or in other words the Principle of Vibration. I learned that we should not focus on the absence of what we want, but instead focus our energies on what we truly do want. You could say it's a way of keeping your eyes on the prize. By railing against the injustices of what we don't want, it doesn't help to bring about the necessary changes. Again, I state that micro-changes could take place, but that these micro-changes are small steps when we could be making strides, especially as a collective. However, I am not here to talk about the Principle of Vibration because I want to focus on another great principle of the infinite universe.

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." - The Kybalion.

The Principle of Polarity suggests that everything in the universe is dual. Some examples include day and night, hot and cold, love and hate, courage and fear, short and long, and dry and wet. Between the two extreme poles are millions of different degrees as well. Let's talk about love and hate as two poles of the same continuum because this should be the underlying question to the current atmosphere of protests prevalent around the world. Where is the love? 

There are two sides to every story. What we are witnessing as the injustices against victims of police brutality is a lack of love in our collective consciousness. In other words, the polarity is closer to that of hatred. Without hatred, it would be nearly impossible to kill someone in these cases of police brutality. So it's not a question of right or wrong, left or right, light or dark, or black or white. It should be a question of love. Where is it? This isn't the only indication of a lack of love in our institutions and on the globe in general. The paradigm is not yet one of love. People who have great love in their hearts often go unnoticed but those with great levels of success in their careers are glorified and idolized. The paradigm supports monetary success over loving-kindness. This is the true alternative to both police brutality and the protests that go against it. 

"The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds." - Dalai Lama 

Under a paradigm of loving kindness, people will no longer see someone else as being an outside entity, a stranger, an outsider, or someone identified by the colour of their skin.  It will be accepted that this person is another you, an extension of the same energy as you. That energy is continuous and eternal. It is ever-creating. It is an energy of pure, radiant love. People may seem like they are different to one another but actually they are just different variations of the same prototype. These variations are necessary as the universe doesn't need more carbon copies. The universe needs people to inspire uniqueness.

Let's come back to the Principle of Polarity. Why is this principle so important in light of current events? The answer comes in the form of another Hermetic principle. Mental Transmutation is the ability to change one state to another. So it is quite possible to change polarities of hatred into love, darkness into light, and fear into courage. It is a matter of polarizing with the desired state. No level of pushing against or resisting the undesired state will truly yield the desired state in its totality. So if a sick man is sick, it is best to let him focus upon the methods, medicine, and instruments that will help him regain his health. No amount of protesting his current condition or thinking about how unfair it is that he got so sick will help him get better.

Another common example is that of the dark room. A dark room doesn't become lit by any kind of pushing out the darkness. You cannot shovel out the darkness or sweep it out. It cannot be ousted by way of protesting either. But what you can simply do is turn on the lights or open the shutters. And it is the same with the darkness that is racism, a form of mental sickness, among certain members of the collective. The harder you push against them, the harder they will push back, never realizing the depths of their illusion. Alternatively, give them kindness and compassion for they may be among those who need it the most. And with some more knowledge, their mental darkness can change into the light as well. 

This is why the few changes that come from protesting are seen as little in the long run. In the long run, there is a whole paradigm that is shifting and we can do our best to focus on the positive aspects of that shift. We can polarize to the desired states and expand our consciousness greatly. Protesting is a matter of sticking around where we're currently at - something that does not benefits us. It is best to allow the universal changes, open up our hearts, and learn about a new way of being on the planet. It is through this kind of vibrational shift in awareness that true and lasting changes can be made. This is only the beginning of a great process awaiting mankind. All we have to do is listen and shift.

I do want to express my support for the Black Lives Matter movement. I do support the movement because it takes a stand against racism. However, I don't support the method of protesting because of these insights based on the knowledge of universal laws. After a brief interaction with an avid BLM supporter and protestor, I became aware that the side protesting is no more full of love than the side committing atrocities. And for as long as the BLM protestors, and all protestors, lack the love necessary for great change, then they will remain polarized within the same paradigm, the same state of being that created these problems in the first place. The collective will go on railing into one another until the violence becomes normalized. Look within and find the love in your hearts. The process of shifting paradigms may take centuries but the changes on the individual level can be experienced within moments. Kindness is the illusion-buster.

A final note on my support for the BLM movement before I end with another quote from the Kybalion is about the music I am getting ready to release. Unfortunately, the artwork I was counting on to make this release complete has been taking too long. I mention the artwork in the post titled June Update as well. Upon hearing about the delay in the artwork, my father stepped up to make the necessary artwork possible. I appreciate his volunteering to do so, especially in light of the big changes going on in his own life. He is currently in the process of adjusting to a new city to begin a new phase of his life.

"To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the Principle of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its polarity." - The Kybalion


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