Insights Love and Friends (BLM Mix)

Upon getting news of the Black Lives Matter protests recently, I felt a need to support in my own way. I didn't feel that protesting in any way would be possible or effective. I write more about my thoughts on protests in this post about the Principle of Polarity. I wanted to contribute something unique. The timing was quite interesting as I remembered this track I created two years ago in June. I remembered the international group of vocalists who were ready to help me take one step closer to making my dreams come true. What I didn't realize was that they would also be helping the collective by contributing to an original piece of music dedicated to the BLM movement and a heart-centered paradigm on planet Earth.

The original mix for this track was created in June 2018. It featured only my own voice. And ever since then I have been collecting the voices of travellers whom I hosted in my home in Hatyai. On top of my voice, the BLM Mix features the voices of Massimiliano, Yadira, Martijn, Dickson, Tibor, and Ying. I appreciate their contributions to this paradigm-shifting project. I don't want to write the countries from which they come- though in some cases it may be obvious - because it will give the language enthusiasts among you a chance to test your ears and see if you can guess which languages are being spoken. Feel free to comment below with your list of languages.

The positive words used in the track are meant to contribute toward a healthier collective on the planet. Imagine a world full of neighbours and friends, teachers and students, lovers and parents who all speak to each other this way. Would there be any room for anything less than love if that were the case? I hope that this track may be just one more seed in that fabric of consciousness we all share as a collective. That seed will then grow and become part of the new reality, one in which love is the dominant force.

In such a world, there would be no room for racism. Racism would be uprooted by the power of loving-kindness. It will not happen overnight but with little steps everyday, we can spread awareness and bring down illusions in every aspect of human life. And then we can see that real progress is being made towards a more inclusive collective consciousness. 

I want to thank my dad for making the cover art with such short notice. He has made different album cover artworks for me before but this is the first time he does one for the release of a single. Check out the Answers to a Father Soundtrack and the Just Doin' Yor Theng release for more examples of baba's artwork.


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