"Choose thou thy work, for all souls must labour." - Thoth the Atlantean
Today we made two more rounds to the house and I took the opportunity to clean up some of the litter around the garden. At one point I was thinking about how bad it was to see all this plastic in the garden and then it's like the garden responded by showing me what was on the other side of the wall. As I was picking up a few pieces next to the wall that serves as a fence, I saw that it was way more polluted with plastic. I realized it could be worse. |
The landlords don't hold back when it comes to investing in and improving their own property. We weren't expecting to see the house coated with a new layer of paint today as we arrived. Apparently, they had returned last night at 9pm to paint it. And then they ran out of paint and so they're going to come back and finish painting. |
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