Pickled Oregano


We had picked up the pickled oregano from the mountainside village of Dağtekke a few days ago. Apparently, the village didn't enjoy the name change that occurred in the 80s when the military government removed one of the Ks from the word. Tekke has very conservative religious connotations while the word teke, in the newly formed Dağteke, means goat, coming to mean mountain goat. One of the local residents and a friend of my grandparents expressed gladness and a hint of pride that they'd finally gotten their second K back recently. 

Coming back to the pickled oregano itself, it's not for everyone. It has something of a pungent taste and goes quite well with fried vegetables. It was my first time hearing about it and I like it. The friend of my grandma who sold it to us told me it'd clear up my throat.

The tahini and molasses mix on the left side of the image, above the pickled oregano isn't something new but it's the first time it gets featured in the Turkish breakfast series on the blog. This was yesterday's breakfast.


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