Today, we went to see the house under construction in Rattapoom. Ying wanted to see the developments and I wanted to document them. The staircase now has a full flight of steps all the way to the top - you can see
this post about the staircase to see the difference. However, the creation of the upper platform of the stairs hasn't yet started. There are some other updates but Ying and I both felt there weren't as many developments as we hoped to see. Perhaps we had high expectations. The inside panels of the walls and the ceiling panels are the biggest updates we saw.
Another reason why today is an especially significant date to have visited this house is because it marks my 5 year anniversary in Thailand. Five years ago on this day, I stepped foot onto Thai land and soil. This five year anniversary shows that things are far from over. In fact, things are moving on and changing. I look forward to moving to his house in the middle of nature. There are farms and forests all around the house and the trees really speak to you if you listen. Check out
this post about my five years in Thailand. The video in that post is the first in a series of upcoming videos on how life was spent in the past five years.
The house also has this water reservoir with fish, plants, and other wildlife. |
Ying was pointing out some of the plants to me. |
In this picture, Ying is picking some mulberries. |
On this side of the house, there will be a bathroom. Unlike the rest of the house, it will be concrete. |
The frame of the bathroom extends out to include all of this as well. Unfortunately, they're talking about cutting down the trees to make room for the bathroom. |
Ying came back from the temple yesterday and today we took this trip wearing our matching orange Beaming tees. |
Jeen is posing as Ying calls the builder in charge of the wooden part of the construction. |
The insides of the rooms are really shaping up. The wall panels are ceiling panels are nearly done. |
This will be the living room and it's also coming together nicely. |
This is a ground floor view of the ceiling panels on the deck. |
This is a close up on the same ceiling panels. |
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