The Earth Makes Art Everyday

Everyday, Gaia makes new art. She makes art throughout the day all around the globe. She never asks anyone to look. She doesn't post it on social media, hoping for likes and comments. And yet her art always serves a useful purpose. Those who happen to look are blessed enough to see the earth's lovely art. If you're rushing here and there throughout the day, then you probably won't notice earth's art all around you. Stop and smell the flowers from time to time.

Apparently, the rainbow clouds I saw shortly after sunset yesterday are part of a phenomenon called cloud iridescence. It happens when clouds are in the proximity of the sun or moon. Though the sun had appeared to have set from my location, perhaps it hadn't yet set from the position above the mountains where these clouds were also positioned. The word iridescence can be replaced with irisation which comes from the word Iris, the Goddess of Rainbows. So the word irisation is like saying 'the process of Iris.'


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