Stop and Feed the Fish

In a dance activism video created 6 years ago, I expressed the art of stopping to smell the flowers. That video can be found on this link. Today, thanks to my girlfriend, I discovered another variation of this, one that went above and beyond stopping to smell the flowers.

It is true that stopping to smell flowers is great for your mental hygiene and also for the flower who gets its essence embraced. But the idea is that you take your time and enjoy the little things in life. 

And indeed, I found throwing stale bread into the stream for fish to eat very enjoyable. 

So a big thanks to Ying for introducing the art of stopping to feed the fish to me. I know you will continue to make the world a better place with these little steps you take. 

And of course the fish must have been thrilled about all this extra food coming their way.

The chickens definitely were.

Do the planet some good and serve yourself. Just stop and feed the chickens once in a while.

Enjoy the little things, play your games, watch the videos that make you chuckle, and take a rest from it all. Do yourself some good and serve the planet at the same time.


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