Here are Toby and Jacob, some of our newest citizens to Siriburi. They were personally welcomed by the great mayor, as is the story with every new citizen. The mayor got to know these and liked their stories. Tony and Jacob both had personal legends that spoke directly to the heart of the mayor. These two are not only dreamers, but also those who are taking steps towards their dreams in some way or another. To dream is beautiful but it isn't enough. It isn't a strategy. Dreams need strategies and it looks as though both Toby and Jacob have their strategies set in place.
There is more than one way to get the job done. This may have been the way Toby chose for himself and that's certainly cool. It works for him. Toby equates working at a fast food restaurant with moving towards his dream goal. He will experience what it's like to go from flipping burgers to flipping the switch on reality. |
Intergalactic adventures are what childhood dreams are made of. And if a simple app can provide that thrill and excitement for Jacob, then who's to say he's not experiencing his dream firsthand? Some would say he's accumulating intergalactic feelings so that he could come that much closer to tasting the fully-blown, cosmic version of his virtual environment. |
"Keep our parks lovely by visiting them as often as you can. Join the meditation circles or various activities that happen regularly throughout the city's plentitude of parks." This was the mayor's most recent message to his citizens. The mayor is a firm believer in the integration between nature and humanity. His vision has manifested in the form of a vast network of parks throughout Siriburi. |
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